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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Poem-"These Days of My Life..."

                        These Days of My Life...
I sleep, I walk, I eat, I live,
Everything is going to be OK,
May be...

I have to sleep, I have to walk,I have to eat, I have to live,
Everything is NOT going to be OK these days,
May be...

In the morning rain has stopped,
Couple of hours back,everything was ok
Couple of days back, everything was ok,
Couple of months back, everything was ok,
Couple of moments back, everything was ok,
Before that day, that moment,that call,that conversation,
Everything was ok.

To find a Reason in every seconds,
And feeling lost U in every seconds,
Everything is going to be ok these days,
May be.

I have to spend this weather, mornings, nights, even this life.
Everything is NOT going to be OK,
May be...

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